New progresses in Chinese metallurgy results in new, stronger and more tensile tungsten
China has recently developed a new tungsten that is "more pure, tensile and durable" than other existing tungsten metals. The tungsten was developed by a team of scientists in the Chinese Acedemy of Sciences, situated in Hefei, Anhui province. The team had reported that they had developed "the strongest bulk material derived from tungsten," and reported that the new technology would be able to be used in the most demanding of applications - both civilian and military. Now with this technology, Chinese engineers might not need to develop kinetic energy projectiles that long to achieve a similar amount of penetration on par with other nation's best projectiles, like Germany's DM53 (63 and 73 bear no significant differences aside from penetration) and America's M829A4. OFL 120 G1 projectile, similarly possessing a tungsten core Source: SCMP