Composite armour is no stranger to anyone who knows modern tanks, or tanks at all. It's usually told that the T95 experimental medium tank was the first to feature it. However, reportedly in August 1943, with the headaches of shaped charges, namely the Panzerfaust and Panzershreck anti-tank weaponry that were introduced in 1942 and 1943 respectively. At the time, the Panzerschreck produced, in German and Finnish tests , around 230 mm of penetration against standard RHA steel at 90 degrees, which lowered to 160 mm at 60 degrees, then 95 mm at 30 degrees. This was impressive, even for around 1 or 2 years after World War 2, where HEAT weaponry was beginning to be mastered by all nations. In Finnish tests, FHA steel was used, where at 30 degrees, the Panzershreck penetrated 100 mm of FHA. For comparison, the M47 Patton had around ~180 mm of CHA (LOS thickness), dead-centre on the hull which was angled at around 56 to 60 degrees. In post-war US tests of captured enem...