Images of a report detailing various (German?) tests on the T-62 tank
ET-06 (Erpobungsträger 06), refers to the T-62.
First image
"4.11 Cross slope travel
Image 2
"4.12 60% gradient
The ET 06 was able to negotiate a 60% incline (tower position 12 noon, concrete roadway with transverse steel rails to increase grip) in 1st gear and with the steering lever in 1st notch.
The vehicle can be held on this slope with both the parking brake and the steering brake.
The start-up causes considerable difficulties because of the type of transmission.
The engine can be restarted safely after 5 minutes of standstill.
For the Leopard, the fulfillment of the specified properties is one of the acceptance conditions. In contrast to the ET 06, starting up is easy and risk-free."
Image 3
"4.13 Relative degree of damping
For a weakly damped, vibratory system, the following applies to the following amplitudes during the decay process form a geometric series. This is exactly true for a linear system. The type and characteristics of the suspension and damping system of the ET 06 allow this principle to be applied."
Image 4
"For the Leopard 1, for the pitching oscillation resonance phase when traveling on the sin trajectory (wavelength 7.6 m, amplitude 50 mm), a damping factor of
(has been) determined.
In relation to a linear spring-mass system, a D = 0.35 means an increase in the pitch angle in the resonance phase of 1.8, and a D = 0.263 means an increase of 2.23. The relative evaluation shows that the Leopard 1 is the much better coordinated oscillation system and thus allows a higher average cross-country speed.
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